Friday, July 20, 2012

Blogshop scams.

My group is going to work on a topic "Blogshop scams". Usually when people shop online, they don't have any idea of who is the owner of the blogshop is. We usually give the blogshops the benefit of doubt and trust that whatever we ordered online will be delivered to us. They may appear to be very friendly and trustworthy as stated on some of the blogshops, but we will never know if they will deceit our money.
What I've come across is a blogshop that is doing good business and providing good services to the online shoppers, and the identity that they revealed about themselves is that they are friendly and won't scam. When they have gained the trust of their customers, they slowly diversify into many other blogshops under one main owner. Considering that the expanded blogshops are also run by the same owner, many people trusted it and bought from them. That is when the swindle starts, because they have already got hold of the payments made by the buyers and the buyers have no clue who they are, hence they can get away easily with the money. The people who did business with them wouldn't know how to contact them as little information were given about them.
What I feel about such behavior is that everyone can choose to take up any identity they want, so it's up to others whether they want to believe what you choose to show. It isn't right to cheat people of their money, and that goes without saying. The blogshop owner has misused their trust for them and taken their trust for granted. I'm pretty certain that there are also a lot of other swindlers out there, who creates fake accounts on social networking sites to sell their unwanted stuffs and finally running away scot-free after getting hold of the money. Therefore one thing everyone should be wary of is not to be too sure that online blog shops wouldn't cheat your money.

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